where I'll be Giving Tuesday
The last few days my Inbox, Facebook feed, Instagram and online experience has been filled (inundated!) with Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, and while I initially thought that I might share some of my favourite gift ideas this year, instead I'm going to share which charities and organizations I'll be supporting and perhaps inspire you to give too:
The Red Tent Project
Started by two sisters, this organization works with NGOs in Eastern and Northern Africa to provide menstrual cups and reproductive education to young women. This year they are hoping to raise enough money to purchase 1000 silicone, reusable menstrual cups. This will give 1000 young women the opportunity to attend school with confidence, complete exams and finish school. This is significant as over 20% of young girls in these regions don't finish their education. They are accepting donations and will be travelling to Africa in January to distribute the cups and education to young women, women with HIV/AIDS and refugees. You can donate here.
Sacred Stone Camp at Standing Rock
If you haven't heard about the peaceful protests against the North Dakota Pipeline, I encourage you to do some research. Water is the life force that allows our planet to survive. The #NoDAPL protestors have been standing ground peacefully for over 7 months. It's winter and as someone who grew up on the Prairies, I can only imagine how cold it will get in the coming weeks and months. This protest hits close to home with the many discussions around pipeline development on the West Coast of British Columbia. What's happening at Standing Rock will undoubtedly have major impact on decisions north of the border. Support the protestors and volunteers here.
Dress For Success Vancouver
Working with women to help build their confidence as they pursue a career, as they work to support their families, as they dig deep to change their lives is pure magic. DFSV is an incredible organization run by a small team, volunteers and lots of heart. It provides women with the resources they need to look for and thrive in their quest for work. Each women receives an interview outfit and an outfit to wear in their new role. The women are invited to attend workshops, seminars and networking events to grow their skill-set and their confidence. DFSV is always looking for gently used professional clothing, women's handbags, work appropriate shoes and financial donations. Next time you clear out your closet or want to tell your sister how proud you are of her, consider making a donation to this amazing local organization. You can learn more about how here.
The World Needs More Love Letters
I love, love, love what this amazing group of humans is doing! Want to add some love to your day on a regular basis? Head over to their website and start writing. Every few weeks they post requests from individuals who needs some extra love in their day. Imagine receiving love letters from strangers telling you that you are important, you are cared for, you are loved, you are enough, you are seen, you are heard, you are a part of life, you are wanted - is there anything more beautiful than the gift of love?!? In addition to their letter requests, you are encouraged to leave love notes for others - maybe on the bus, at your favourite coffee shop, in a book, in a public space - the idea being that the universe will deliver that letter to the person who needs it. Beautiful. I hope you'll consider writing a letter or two and help brighten someone's day, or maybe even change their outlook on life. We are that powerful. Read the letter requests here.
There are so many amazing organizations who are devoted to sending more love, more light, more kindness, more compassion into the world. I never cease to be amazed and humbled at the work that each of the individuals and the overall organizations are doing. Let's show our gratitude and love by helping to support these groups with donations, time, or an email of thanks. Because sometimes a note saying "Hey, I'm honoured and proud to share this earth with you. And I'm so grateful that you are doing what you do to bring more love into the world." is just what someone needs to push through, keep going, soldier on.
Happy Giving Tuesday!